Clean Living: Essential House Cleaning Services for a Healthier Home

Clinton Armstrong

We are in the century of speed, and for each of us the time resource is becoming increasingly important. We all want to maximize earnings and minimize losses.

Unfortunately, home cleaning is time consuming. Even if we like to do it, we may not always have the necessary time or the most appropriate skills for doing it right. Moreover, some of us spend a lot of time at work and, once we come home, we prefer to do relaxing activities, rather than start working again on cleaning our homes. Many people simply do not have the energy to complete these tasks, either due to a stressful job, a health problem or simply because of old age.

Regardless of the category in which you find yourself, it is important to take into account that there are alternatives when you need help with cleaning and housekeeping activities, provided by professional cleaning companies.

house cleaning services

Reasons why people turn to cleaning services

  • Cleaning pros offer greater attention to detail

We all have moments when we are convinced that we are good at doing everything, but the reality is, most of the time, different. Although each of us has the necessary skills to clean their home, when we choose to hire professional house cleaning services, the level of efficiency increases, and the time required for this activity decreases considerably. In addition, the cleaning is performed in depth, and the results will be lasting.

  • Your home will be much cleaner and safer for those who live in it

We all know that a clean environment is much healthier, in which the risk of getting sick with asthma or unwanted allergies is considerably smaller than in dirty and contaminated environments.

If we do not pay enough attention to how we keep our house clean, we risk “inviting” bacteria and allergens into our home. The rooms that require increased attention are the bathroom, the kitchen and the bedroom. Remember that surfaces, carpets and upholstery objects that are professionally vacuumed and sanitized frequently can protect us from the incidence of health problems.

  • You can use your free time for family, relaxation, shopping or anything else you enjoy

Cleaning experts will do everything in your place, and you will simply enjoy the results.

What is included in a package of essential general cleaning services?

  • Vacuuming surfaces (floors, carpets, etc.)
  • Cleaning and maintenance of surfaces, according to their type
  • Washing surfaces and wiping the parquet
  • Dusting all surfaces that require this operation
  • Polishing furniture and objects
  • Cleaning interior and exterior window glazed surfaces
  • Cleaning and wiping frames and opening/closing handles
  • Vacuuming the walls and removing spider webs if necessary
  • Exterior cleaning and wiping of radiators
  • Wiping and cleaning sockets, switches, lighting fixtures
  • Wiping and cleaning doors and handles
  • Cleaning and polishing bathroom objects
  • Disinfection of toilets
  • Wiping and polishing tiles in the kitchen, bathroom, etc.
  • Disinfection of the kitchen
  • Exterior cleaning of the stove, refrigerator, microwave, coffeemaker, etc.
  • Garbage collection
  • Replacing bin bags
  • Ventilation and odor removal for the rooms

 After a prior discussion, other services can be performed according to your requirements.